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Re: New open-source FFT library - SPQlios-fft

On Tue 11 Jul 2023 07:32:20 AM -04, Nicolas Gama <nicolas.gama@gmail.com> wrote:
I  write this email to this list, because my team is about to release an
open-source optimized FFT library called spqlios-fft, and I would like to know
the procedure to get it integrated in the experimental section of Debian.

This is an extraction of the fft code that has previously been powering the
TFHE fully homomorphic encryption library, whose primary target is the
anticyclic FFT modulo X^N+1 where N is a power of 2, which is used in almost
all lattice-based cryptography schemes. We have a generic implementation
plus some specific hardware-specific optimizations like avx, and in the next
releases, neon too.
The library detects the cpu capabilities at runtime, so unlike its ancestors that
could only be compiled on the target cpu, it is now suited for binary

The main repository of the library is:  https://github.com/tfhe/spqlios-fft

Would the Debian-Math team be interested by packaging this library, and if
yes, what are the guidelines or steps we have to follow?

Yes, this looks interesting!  See [1] for some pointers on making sure that
it's easy to package for Debian.  One thing I noticed is that you currently
don't have any tags in the GitHub repository.  Adding one indicating a version
number once spqlios-fft is officially released would be ideal.

Other than that, as a C library using CMake, it should be straightforward to
package for Debian.  I wouldn't be opposed to working on it myself, but if
someone from your team would be interested in learning the ins and outs of
Debian packaging, you could read through [2], and one of us in the Math Team
could sponsor the package.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamGuide
[2] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/

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