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Re: Make DCMTK an official Debian Package?

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Pablo Sau wrote:

I took a look long time ago, and now I'm surprised by the developement
of the Debian-Med project.
Thanks.  My hope is to give you and other upstream developers of
medical software a solid plattform.

After reading the "What can I do to help?" of the Debian-Med I fit into
two categories:
1.-Debian packages(unofficial) of dcmtk,afni,ctn(I know already exist an
official package, but lacks of some gui administration programs),
Any hints, how to enhance this package?  I think there are some licensing

dicomviewer(Nagoya Java web dicom viewer), dicom2pgm and two of my own,
cdmedicpacsweb and dcmsamples.
Lets try to put all things on our web page which is kind of a TODO list
for people like me (well, my private list is long enough but in the last
time the number of supporters was growing and telling them where they
can help is a good idea).

2.-Isos based on knoppix, cdmedic CD-live with the above mentioned
packages and FSL,Slicer,Amide,CTSim among others and fusion mini CD live
with amide and an simple script to auto-import from dicom to analyze
used by amide.
Regarding the building of live CDs the Debian-Med project has not
produced anything worth mentioning.  I just could give you the hint
that if you want to produce a CD installing the med-* meta packages
might give you a good selection of interesting packages without
extra effort from your side.

As you already know all is hosted in
Perhaps we should mention this on our web site.

It would be nice to contribute, but I would need some help in the steps
I must follow to produce an official Debian package.
As I said - my TODO list is longer than I would wish but if you are not
able to find a sponsor for your packages I would step in here.  The
normal way if somebody wants to get his packages moved to the Debian
mirror is to ask for a sponsor.  This is a Debian developer who looks
for the quality of the package and discusses changes with the person
who builded the package (called *maintainer of the package* which
is obviousely not necessary a Debian maintainer, but should apply for
this status in the future because it simplifies things).

So sending a mail to the list debian-mentors@lists.debian.org (in
case of medical software a CCto debian-med@lists.debian.org would
definitely increase your chances) and asking for sponsoring is the
way to go.  This is described at


If nobody volunteers just come back to me and point me to the latest
version of your packages that I can have a look at them.

Best regards and thanks for your email
Thanks to you as well for caring for Debian packages


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