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Fwd: EDI and Medicaid

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From: John M Miller <jmmiller@msms.org>
Date: January 8, 2007 4:49:09 PM GMT-05:00
To: goldenmouse@columbus.rr.com
Subject: Re: EDI and Medicaid

On Jan 8, 2007, at 1:19 PM, goldenmouse@columbus.rr.com wrote:

Now, I'm helping a local medical practice set up its own Medicaid
billing.  The process, near as I can tell, runs like this:  Submit
Medicaid claims via EDI (format comparable to XML) to their servers,
then receive, each week, a receipt for those claims as well as a
direct deposit.  What I'm looking for is software that manages this,
preferably licensed under the GPL.

Dear Goldenmouse,

I am afraid you are tackling a pretty big problem. The waning days of the Clinton administration presented the business of medicine with a rather large gift in the form of HIPAA. Unfortunately The CPT codes are nothing like XML and completely
incompatible with the GPL.

Remember that Ross Perot's second company is currently talking about providing free software (free as in "beer" and not as in "speech") for practice management in order to get a bigger market share of the service bureau pie. Ross Perot built
his first company processing Medicare claims.

Also remember the CPT codes are owned by the AMA. The AMA may be second only to the trial lawyers in lobbying. The revenue from CPT licensing fees, in recent years,
has been larger than the amount collected from member dues.

I have been thinking about gathering together 20 or 30 old friends and making a set of procedure codes from scratch, all contributed from actual practitioners. XML would be a fine vehicle. I have been procrastinating for almost 6 years now.
Perhaps your question will turn up more people with an interest.

John M. Miller M.D.

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