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Re: Automake stuff for volpack

Hi Andreas,

Thanks for working on modernizing the volpack build system. I haven't touched the package in many years, but I recently returned to Stanford and I should be able to find some time to look over your changes within a few days.

Regarding makeopts.c and vpCompilerOptions, if I remember correctly volpack exports this variable so that programs linking to volpack can print out the compiler options as part of a verbose version message. It was useful since the library can be built with specialized template-like code for different data types and I often wanted to check which data types a particular build of the library had included. It's not really necessary and certainly not very conventional (e.g. running nm would have worked just as well).


Andreas Tille wrote:
Hi Phil,

the Debian-Med project would like to include your volpack library into
Debian because it is interesting for medical imaging and also would be
needed as prerequisite for the amide image viewer.  To obtain this goal
a package with the dynamic library as well as a development package with
the static library and the header files should be builded.

I tried to find out how to build static and dynamic library from the
tar archive that is provided at your site but I did not found a really
clever way and thus I decided to add libtool and automake support to
it (well, I did not found a better way to include libtool than using
the automake stuff).   This leaded to a completely reworked build
system with Makefile.am and Makefile.in (that are generated from the
Makefile.am files).  The result of this can be downloaded from


I wonder whether you like this change and would include it into your
upstream tarball which would be the most favourable solution, IMHO.

Some comments on the changes I did:

 1. One thing that is completely independend form the automake stuff
    is the following patch that suppresses a lot of warnings:

--- vp_global.h.orig    1994-12-31 00:53:14.000000000 +0100
+++ vp_global.h 2007-07-29 13:43:03.000000000 +0200
@@ -168,7 +168,9 @@
  * Macros.                                                         *

+#ifndef NULL
 #define NULL 0

 #define MAX(a,b)        (((a)<(b)) ? (b) : (a))
 #define MIN(a,b)        (((a)>(b)) ? (b) : (a))

    I would recommend to apply this patch in any way.

 2. The automake tools relay on a set of files that should be included:

     AUTHORS    - I put in your name into this file
     COPYING    - I putted the copyright notice from the README file here
     ChangeLog  - this was formerly named "changes"
     INSTALL    - The original INSTALL file that comes with automake-1.10
     NEWS       - Well, the only news I know was adding automake stuff
     aclocal.m4 - auto generated by aclocal
     ltmain.sh  - auto generated by libtoolize
     missing    - auto generated by "automake --missing"

    This was the simple stuff.

 3. I did several changes in configure.in to enable libtool and
    fix the warnings of current autotools.

 4. Makefile.am
    I tried to take over all special things from your Makefile.in to
    reflect your build system.  I tried to compare careful that building
    the static library remains the same as in your system.  The new
    Makefile.in and all automatically builded files can easily builded
    by calling autoreconf.

 5. Every subdirectory now contains its own Makefile.am and the
autogenerated Makefile.in. I have read a hint that this can be avoided
    if it distracts you, but I found this is the usual way to go with
    theses tools and thus I decided to follow the usual way.

 6. I tried to find out the sense of makeopts.c but I think it was used
    formerly to set an externel char *vpCompilerOptions variable.  But I
    did not found any occurrence of this variable by grepping through
    all code and thus I left out the compilation of this file and the
    generation of the C file that injects this variable.  I hope this is
    OK.  If I overlooked something just tell me and I will include this
    as well in the automake stuff.

I would like to build Debian packages based on this tarball because the
Debian packaging tools are nicely prepared to use libtoolized libraries.
I think your main advantage is that you are quite safe that your software
will compile on all architectures where these tools will work. What do you
think about adopt this code into your repository?

Remark for Debian people: While I have builded packages based on this
tarball there is some work left. At first it does no compile with pbuilder
(there might be some slight change needed in the automake stuff because
the examples need some path change to find the library - it's a little bit
strange because debuild workd.  At second the library packaging needs
some polishing to make it conform to the library packaging guide.

Kind regards


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