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Re: DM application for David Paleino

Hi David,
* David Paleino <d.paleino@gmail.com> [2007-12-09 14:34]:
> I'm writing this to apply for Debian Maintainership. I agree with the Social
> Contract, the Debian Free Software Guidelines and the Debian Machine Usage
> Policy.
> This mail is CC'ed to the debian-med@l.d.o mailing list, and to my usual
> sponsors, so that someone can advocate me :).
I have to admit that I need to go through old mails from you
to judge if I can advocate you because I sponsored too many 
people even if I remember your name pretty well I have to 
check some RFS requests by again so give me some time please :)
Anyway... Since I know that you have no DD nearby to sign 
your key, is it possible to upload as a DM without a single 
DD signature on your key?
Kind regards
Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - nion@jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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