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Re: dicomscope packaging

On Wed, 17 Dec 2008, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

I know that - in its current state - DICOMscope 3.5.1 will
presumably compile out-of-the-box with dcmtk version 3.5.0 only.
But it would certainly be possible (and very creditable)
to adapt the DICOMscope 3.5.1 JNI classes to the current dcmtk API ...

That's my goal.


On the other hand: DICOMscope 3.5.1 is an ancient version by
itself (last update in 2001 or so). I doubt that upstream would
adapt your changes to DICOMscope 3.5.1 as they already provide
DICOMscope 3.6.0 as a binary package.

Clear enough.

Would be interesting to
know if they are going to make its sources available as well
somewhen ...

I received the confirmation that this is not going to happen any time soon.


It smells "forkish" - but if this is the only chance we have to get
DICOMscope I just wish you good luck with your goal mentioned above.

Kind regards



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