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Re: Debian-Med on Amazon's EC2 : works

Le Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 09:35:09PM +0100, Steffen Moeller a écrit :
> I just made myself the present to dedicate some time into prepared a
> Debian-Med Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and then running it ... it works.


> Amazon started offering a series of biological or chemical public databases. I wrote to
> them that they should please consider assist us in adapting Debian-Med to help accessing
> these resources. I mean, we basically have everything, Amazon would only need to also
> provide the indices for the data they offer. And Debian-Med needs to learn about how to

Hi Steffen,

it looks very interesting. Is there any material that would make sense to be
commited in our SVN repository ?

I hope that you will get a positive echo from Amazon. It would be really great
to provide an official Debian Med image.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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