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Re: RFC: packaging layout for Odin

On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 15:21:36 +0100, Michael Hanke wrote:

> Hi,

Hello Michael,
no need to CC me :)

> On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 03:07:27PM +0100, David Paleino wrote:
> > Time, CPU cycles and heating permitting, I will try to recompile everything
> > and make those 17 packages.
> Please _don't_.
> All those libs are similar to plugins and there to be linked against the
> compiled sequences created with odin -- that happens when users use
> ODIN. I cannot say for sure, but I'd suspect that they have no other
> use,

Better being sure, I will ask upstream :)

> hence should go into the 'odin' package itself.

Instead, I will do a separate libodin1 package, which odin will depend upon,
and put those libraries in a private subdirectory of /usr/lib/.

> Additionally, I'd say that everything you have listed under doc/ is a
> little more than that. I consider it more of a library of snippets to
> play with when developing sequences. I'd put it under /usr/share/odin in
> the sense of data files.

Still documentation though, they're examples
(--> /usr/share/doc/libodin-dev/examples/, probably)

> Without looking again, I see nothing that would demand even two binary
> packages -- just 'odin' itself.

NAK again. It's just crazy, in terms of package management, having the shared
libraries and the binaries all in one package :)

I will make these packages (as Andreas suggested, mail arrived while I was
writing this):

libodin1, libodin-dev, libodin1-dbg, odin, odin-doc

Obviously, after receiving a reply from upstream. ;)


 . ''`.  Debian maintainer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
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