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Re: Plans for Squeeze release and Alioth accounts.

Le Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 12:08:54PM +0900, Charles Plessy a écrit :
> time flies fast and we are already between one third and the half of this
> release cycle. I propose that we discuss what are the goals that we would like
> to acheive in Debian Squeeze.

OK, I guess it is my turn :)

 1) Splitting the med-bio metapackage into med-bio-commandline and
    med-bio-graphical. Not only it makes a clearer organisation, but
    also it can be useful for the creation of small virtual machines
    or live USB keys.

 2) Debtags again. After reviewing all Debtags of my packages last year
    I made some propositions to the Debtags admins to reorganise some
    tags, and most of them were welcome, but we eventually forgot to do
    the work :) I will update my propositions and refresh the Debtags of
    my packages, plus the other packages that are installed by our
    metapackages if I have enough time.

 3) Meta-data: bibliographic reference, link to main article (DOI? PubMed?),
    and registration pages.

Other things that I would like to do are finishing the GBrowse package (I may
have stopped at a stage where 99% is done…) and package more programs relevant
to ’next-generation’ sequencing. Actually if there are volunteers for preparing
such packages, I can propose some programs, and I am sure that there will be
much support on this list for technical questions.

Have a week-end,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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