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Re: gbrowse2 package

It seems that main authors did not make such work  :-(
I will try to have a look for those files (css) or see with authors.

Regarding included _javascript_ librairies, expected versions are still in experimental. I contacted maintainer and he told me he should move them to sid in a short time.

So i suggest to wait for those libraries to be moved to sid and I will update scripts to use them instead of packaging them with gbrowse.
If this takes a too long time, I will keep them included for the moment...


Le 3/7/11 2:09 AM, Charles Plessy a �it :
Le Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 05:13:36PM +0900, Charles Plessy a �it :

I will not have time today, but I will also try with pbuilder later.

Dear Olivier,

I did not have time to try pbuilder. Instead, I inspected the source files of
Gbrowse, and documented their copyright notices and licenses in
debian/copyright. That was tedious and time-consuming, but it is required
before uploading to the Debian archive.

Default license is GPL version 1 or superior, or Artistic version 2. This
license is not in /usr/share/doc/common-licenses, so it needs to be in
debian/copyright. A large number of files are still GPL-1+ or Artistic (not
version 2), and I grouped them in the same paragraph after collating their
copyright notices. I also found some files whose license is MIT or LGPL.

Importantly, I found files that are obviously not the work of the main authors,
and that do not have a license. Of them, one is probably free (readseq.c), but
for the other, htdocs/css/dropdown/default_theme.css and
htdocs/css/dropdown/dropdown.css, there is not evidence that they are
redistributable. We need the confirmation directly by the authors or through
the Gbrowse developers.

Can you or somebody else doublecheck that I have not forgotten something ?

Have a nice day,

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