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Re: Looking for a DD to upload mummy

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> wrote:
> Perhaps hoping is not enough - just explaining the reason why it makes
> sense if we were able to write a proper watch file to always get the
> latest and greatest of their software straight into Debian might be
> better than hoping.

I simply have no idea how to write a watch file with a git URL. uscan reports:

uscan warning: Unknown protocol in debian/watch, skipping:

I know a watch file is really helpful, but I am totally clueless on
even how to start writing one.

> It is a good idea to have some good relation with
> our upstreams which starts with proper communication.

I do have pretty good relation with upstream. David C. always
responded in a timely manner when preparing the debian package of

> I did not used dh_make since a long time.  Perhaps somebody should
> check whether the latest dh_make regards DEP5 instead of missleading
> packagers all the time.  If not writing a bug report (wishlist or
> minor) would make perfectly sense.

Ok. Will ask on debian-devel.


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