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Re: *groan* Amos assembler

Hi George,

On Sat, Apr 02, 2011 at 08:56:14PM +0300, George Marselis wrote:
> i am trying to compile amos from source. it apparently requires qt3.
> will the latest version of qt will do? anybody got a clue? or rather,
> i will report myself as well, as soon as i finish compiling....

To start with packaging I'd recommend either recommend dh_make or trying
to spot a "similar" looking package and cut-n-paste the debian/ dir to
adapt it to amos.  I have no idea about the qt3 requirement but as far
as I have heard rumors qt3 will not be supported in Wheezy any more (I
might be wrong about this thought).  So just trying with qt4 might not

Just keep us informed about any hurdles in your amos packaging attempt.
Please make sure to commit anything you have done to 


to enable us providing code to your work.

Kind regards



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