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Re: How to check Bio-Linux package selections

On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 12:15:09PM +0100, Tony Travis wrote:
>> I have no idea what you mean here.  The metapackage should not contain
>> lower level dependencies - just the packages you want to install.
> I mean exactly what you just said: It is easy for me to create an  
> exhaustive list of all the packages required. What I don't know how to  
> do is 'weed out' the lower level dependencies that don't need to be in  
> the meta-package. It is advice about how to do this that I'm seeking.

Just mention what highlevel packages you want to include and apt will
care for the dependencies.

> I suspecte that there might be a simpler way of doing it, which is why I  
> asked. However, I seem to have failed to convey what I use my  
> "dpkg-dsel" script for: I use it to compare the list of 'deb' packages  
> installed on two different machines, or on one machine and a reference  
> list of packages.

I think I understood what you are trying, but for your specific task
there is probably no better solution that "dpkg --[gs]et-selections".
However, my guess is that what you *finally* want to approach is to make
sure that a certain set of packages is actually installed on the target
system.  For this purpose I was suggesting a solution where you simply
should create a list of packages you want to have and than just use the
tools we are providing.  I can not imagine a simpler way (after thinking
about it since 11 years).

> If I understand your advice correctly, you recommend building a source  
> deb and using that to bring any systems into compliance automatically.  

A quite specific source deb for metapackages as it is used in Blends,

> However, one of my objectives is to monitor which packages are present  
> in addition to the 'official' distribution and that is why I started to  
> compare the output of "dpkg --get-selections" on different machines.

The method I suggested is perfectly able to include inofficial sources.
Your approach to "monitor" requires a second step (after monitoring you
probably want to install those missing packages, right) - but you can
simply install those packages by using the metapackage in one rush.

> One security 'audit' method is to record the files present immediately  
> after installation, then monitor changes afterwards for accidental or  
> deliberate changes. My strategy is to do something similar, but at a  
> package level. I find this approach useful for managing the systems I am  
> responsible for, but I decided to ask the Debian-Med community for  
> advice about how to do this better because I am inexperienced in the  
> more sophisticated use of the APT system.
> In particular, Manuel Prinz's post on 25/02/2011 in which he presented  
> his "bioc-depends.pl" script made me realise that there are much more  
> sophisticated ways of analysing the APT database that I know about.
> My hope was that the Debian-Med community would be able to advise me  
> about how to do what I already do in a more robust and efficient way.  
> Building a source deb for Bio-Linux is, indeed, one of my objectives.  
> However, so is audit and security of existing systems. Verifying the  
> package list, as I do, is one way of ensuring that only the packages  
> that should be installed are present. It is also a way of comparing the  
> installation of additional 'optional' packages on different machines.

While I have not yet tested this I would regard it a bug I would fix
soonish if it does not work:  If you want to make sure that a certain
package is *not* installed you can also add Conflicts to the metapackage.
Currently nobody is using this feature and so I'm not sure whether it
works.  So again: I would suggest you could clone the source of the
debian-med package (or rather check out)


remove those files from tasks you will probably not need and change
those tasks you feel a need for changing.  For your purpose you might
want to add a


and use <your_distribution_name> in debian/changelog as target
distribution.  Then you say "make dist" and you get the source of a
Blends package which you can build using "debuild" and you are done with
your specific set of metapackages which work for
<your_distribution_name>.  If you want to install packages which are not
part of <your_distribution_name> you need to configure your sources.list
on the target machine to point to a repository containing those packages
and than use

  apt-get --install-suggests install <metapackagename>

which includes those extra packages.

> I hope this helps to make my objectives easier to understand.

I think I understood your objective which is only a part of the solution
you try to approach.  I can not help you with your actual objective but
I hope to be able to provide a solution for your final goal.

Kind regards



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