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Re: blast+ packaging

Olivier Sallou <olivier.sallou@irisa.fr> writes:

> please feel free to commit in my dir. It will indeed be easier than merging.

Done, thanks.  I also threw in some improvements to the copyright file that
I'd meant to propose earlier:

* Remove the stanza for (c++/)scripts/projects/xmlwrapp/*, whose LICENSE
  file documents material absent from the ncbi-blast+ archive.
* Adjust other upstream-related stanzas' Files specifications to prefix
  c++/ and cover include in addition to src as appropriate.

> For dir updates, be it ncbi-blast+ or ncbi-blast-plus, I would rather
> like you update directly in my branch. We can, after that, "mv" the svn
> dir to ncbi-blast+ once everything is ok from packaging point of view.

That's fair, and no problem -- quite the contrary, when I was starting to
commit to ncbi-blast+ (before the Alioth glitch and your latest reply), I
didn't split my changes into individual commits quite as cleanly as I'd
meant to, so re-committing them in ncbi-blast-plus gave me a good
opportunity to correct that.

> Please tell me once you have included your updates so that I recheck the
> package on my side.

I have.  Here are the remaining issues of which I'm aware, none of which
should necessarily hold up an initial upload:

* As previously mentioned, the linkage is still somewhat of a mess.
* Also as mentioned, there are no individual manpages.
* The standards version is slightly outdated; somebody should review the
  upgrading checklist to see if advancing it requires any packaging changes.
* As I recall, there was some interest in incorporating RMBLAST, the patch
  for which risked changing the standard applications' behavior.  I expect
  it should be possible to stay out of trouble by building it in a separate
  copy of the source tree and linking it statically against any patched
  libraries (and their reverse dependencies).

> Regarding legacy, I prefered keeping it as separate package to avoid some
> confusion and get it only if required on backward compatibility. Though,
> if you think we should keep it in the same package, it is ok for me.

OK, thanks for the explanation; I've kept the split.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at alum.mit.edu, ucko at debian.org)
http://www.mit.edu/~amu/ | http://stuff.mit.edu/cgi/finger/?amu@monk.mit.edu

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