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Re: Orange for Debian Med (Was: Help with my Debian package for Orange)


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> wrote:
> If you ask me it looks way
> more trustworthy if I see a release number attached to a package rather
> some (random ??) SVN commit id.

Yes, but this is just a feeling. You can also say that we are doing
daily releases. Even faster than Firefox. ;-)

> Moreover I have a lot of scientists who insist on using a very specific
> version of some piece of software because this (and only this? ... at
> least these people are claiming so) can reproduce their scientific
> results.

So they can use revision number for that.

> In Debian we also have uscan which is using debian/watch files to verify
> that the last upstream version is packaged.  So we somehow relay on
> released and versioned tarballs to keep Debian up to date and you can
> even see this reflected on the tasks pages (see the yellow "new version
> available" buttons).  You will not be able to profit from this system
> if you intend to stick to use SVN.

We will. Next day, a new version will be available, if we have changed
the code. So uscan will scan some directory with daily archives.

> From my point of view it makes perfectly sense to tag a certain SVN
> commit with a version number and finally it is your decision to say
> that you do not support ancient versions.

>From technological point of view I do not see a difference between
0.3.1 and 0.0.123456. It is only in our heads that web believe that
0.3.1 is more stable or more supported than 0.0.123456. In our case,
it is not and it will probably not be. So I do not see a value in
faking that we have releases which mean something and then say that we
do not support ancient versions.


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