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Re: How to proceed

Le 10/20/11 9:15 PM, Dr. med. Christoph Gille a écrit :
> Hi
> Thanks Olivier and Andreas, both, ssh and svn co
> svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-med/trunk work very well now. I
> can even commit changes.
> When I had a look at the other projects, I noticed, that I
> probably did everything wrong. )-:
> For the Fortran program tm-align I followed
> http://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging.  I created a source
> package using debuild -us -uc. The directory structure looked like the
> ones in the svn directory, but finally I realized that tm-align
> already existed. Someone is already working on it. )-: Nevertheless,
> it was a good training.
> For the other programs I followed
> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Debian-Binary-Package-Building-HOWTO/
> since being Java-programs they are architecture independent and
> do not need compilation.  Here I created the dot deb files with
> fakeroot dpkg-deb -b. Was it a mistake not creating a source
> package?
To push your package to debian,  you will need both binary and source
packages (deb files).
However, for your testing/package creation, you don't care.
> My directories look different to those on the svn server because
> it is not a source package.  For example I wrote DEBIAN/control
> files but no debian/rules files.
Why don't you have any rules file ? Though begin Java, java files need
to be compiled too (to .class or up to jar), using
 the Debian available Jdks (openjdk or gnu jdk).
> Do I need to change all java based packages and
> create source packages in the same style as
> /srv/home/groups/pkg-escience/htdocs/debian/?
I did not have a look, but Java based packages are just like any other
If you use ant, you "compile" the same way as with a make for a C based
program. What will change is the policy [0] of the package (file
location etc..)

[0] http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/
> On alioth in /srv/home/groups/pkg-escience/htdocs/debian I find dot
> deb files for example for biojava. How did these files get there?
> find  /srv/home/groups/pkg-escience/htdocs | fgrep biojava
> Where do I find the dot deb file for tm-align?

deb files are not on servers but on repositories once pushed to Debian.
source and binary debs are available here:

> Regards
> Christoph
> --------------------------
> P.S.
> The packages I am working on are stored in
> http://www.bioinformatics.org/strap/debian/ They are already
> working and above URL can be added to /etc/apt/sources.list for testing
> .

Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

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