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Re: BEAGLE Genetic Analysis for Debian Med

Hi Tim,

On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 12:00:36PM +0000, Tim Booth wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> I'm going ahead and packaging the BEAGLE library as it is now open
> source (GPL3) and available on Google Code
> (http://code.google.com/p/beagle-lib).  I'm doing this as a dependency
> for the latest MrBayes.


> I see you wanted to have it as a component of
> BEAST but I wasn't planning on working on that myself.

I'm far from *wanting* this as a component of BEAST.  I'd love if I
could strip this binary JAR file from the beast source tarball.  So
I'd be really happy if you would go for this!
> Once I have something working I'll bung it in SVN (hopefully this
> afternoon).  I'm calling the package 'libhmsbeagle1' as there is already
> a beagle package and this is the internal name of the library.

As far as I have understood Java Policy the name should be


I'm not very sure about this, but at least I did so in libjam-java and
libjebl2-java which might serve as a (bad / beginners ???) example.
Good luck


PS: I'm offline on Saturday and Sunday - if somebody else could sponsor
    this would be helpful.


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