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[MoM] Packaging fis-get (Was: Looking for a Debian packager for FIS-GT.M)

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 12:53:26PM -0500, Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Yes, I'm now subscribed to the list.

OK, so Di do not CC you any more neither do you need to CC me.
> > I'm keen on hearing your opinion about the stuff which is there.  In any
> > case ask on the list here in case you might have any trouble with
> > creating the packages from what is actually there.  Please be verbose
> > about your step because otherwise we will not become aware about any
> > problem of yours and can not help you.
> Certainly,
> I will go through the material,
> and will come back with comments.

I'm keen on hearing those comments. 
> > So what do you thing about MOM[1]?  Want to become the first MOM student
> > to finish fis-gtm packages?
> The timing is perfect !
> Yes, Sign me up.    :-)

I just created a Wiki page listing our both names and the package at the bottom:


> I guess at some point we need to touch base with the
> Debian packagers who has been working in fis-gtm,
> to make sure that I'm not stepping in their toes...,

I do not think that there is a chance to tip in somebodies toes.  We
have quite a good culture here in the team that nobody who honestly
tries to apply some enhancements will have do be afraid of any
punishment.  In case you might make a beginners mistake it can always be
reverted.  So just be bold and take influence.

> I'm looking forward to work together.

Me too - let's see how MoM might work out.

Kind regards



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