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Re: How Debian Packaging practices could apply to VistA maintenance and distribution

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 02:19:51PM -0500, Bhaskar, K.S wrote:

> >>>[KSB] Are there packages that are (for example) pure shell scripts
> >>>so that there is no difference between a source package and a binary
> >>>package?  A VistA Debian package would be like that.
> >>There are packages containing pure HTML pages (some doc packages) and
> >>some packages might contain only some shell script (I do not know
> >>examples but nothing in policy does forbid this.)
> >Not to forget applications written in scripting languages.
> >GNUmed packages do not contain any compiled code either
> >(which, however, got nothing to do with whether you are
> >looking at the source or the binary package).
> [KSB] For packages such as GNUmed, are there separate source and
> "binary" tarballs?

No. It is written in a scripting language (Python) which
compiles just-in-time.

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