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Re: Packaging InVesalius

Hi Thiago,

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 05:59:45PM -0200, Thiago Franco de Moraes wrote:
> Now the rename is working. He is renaming the tarball to invesalius_3.0~b3.orig.tar.gz. To make it work I used uversionmangle instead of dversionmangle. The folder inside this tarball has the name "invesalius3-3.0-b3" instead of "invesalius_3.0~b3", is this a problem?

The folder name inside the tarball is no problem.  If we do not repack
the tarball we just take what is inside (sometimes there are quite
strange choices of names - we simply leave this as is.)
> The Lintian returns two warnings:
> W: invesalius: extra-license-file usr/share/doc/invesalius/LICENSE.txt.gz > It's because the package has two license files, one in English and other in Portuguese. The Portuguese version is because a license must be in Portuguese to be recognized by the Brazilian government.

That's a fair reason.  I would suggest to rename it LICENSE.pt.txt (or
LICENSE.pt.BR.txt at your preference) and to not compress this file
(which can be done by override_dh_compress (you will find examples when
greping for this string in SVN.)  The debian/copyright file must not be
compressed and I would consider the same reason for any translated
license statement.

You can create a lintian-overrides file to suppress the warning and
also add a comment for the reason you have given above.
> W: invesalius: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/invesalius-3.0 > If you think it's necessary, I can create a manpage to InVesalius.

This would be great.

Kind regards and thanks for your work on this



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