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Re: Chances for cooperation between OSDDLinux and Debian

On 11/21/2013 02:00 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Raghava,
> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 04:40:52PM +0530, G P S Raghava wrote:
>> Dear Andreas
>> Thanks for your email and detail response to my quiries. We have
>> created debian package for our number of software, though they are not
>> perfect but works.
> It is great to start with a set of packages which are somehow working
> and finalise them by polishing.
>> Mean time I have a request from members of this
>> community, please have a look on our repository and suggestions. I mean,
>> what is required to make them official package of Debian.
> Surely I have looked into your repository - that's actually the reason
> why I considered contacting you in the first place.  The requirements
> are:
>    1. (DFSG) free software
>    2. somebody who does the maintenance
> Since you are just building Debian packages you can most probably commit
> the packaging code into the Debian Med VCS (as described in our team
> policy[1]) and we will "sponsor" the packages to the official mirror.
> This is probably a successive process because we will have problems to
> do this for all packages in one rush.
If packages are numerous, we can split the "sponsoring" work among a few
of us (DebianMed team).

>> Mean time, we
>> are reading about conditions required to make a package debian package. 
> You are best advised to read our team policy - specifically the hints for
> newcomers[2].
>> We will try to attend the conference you suggested, all depend on
>> finance.
> I can not promise to much but team sprints are supported by Debian to
> some extent.  Usually this means covering the costs of official Debian
> developers but we do not have a final calculation.  In any case if this
> might help for your decision I'd volunteer to hand over my share
> (~250Eur) to somebody of your team if this might fill a needed gap.
>> Developers from my group also joining mailing list. Do we have any
>> person on this mailing list who has expertise in packaging, belong to
>> our region (India).
> Joining the mailing list makes perfectly sense.  There are several
> experienced packagers lurking on this list.  I have no idea what you
> mean by "belong to $any region".  We have an i18n team in Debian if
> there are any country specific things but from a first view on your list
> I do not see any specifics for India.  But apropos India: We have
> written a paper[3] which was originally intended to be published in an
> Indian journal (see the discussion here [4]) but I have not heard from
> the person who asked me to write this article and I think it is a nice
> reading anyway.  So we should look for a proper place to publish the
> text once it is written at some more reasonable / prominent place than
> here[3] - but for the moment it might help you understanding what we
> finally are approaching and in how far this is in line with your goals.
> Kind regards
>        Andreas.
> [1] http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html
> [2] http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html#packagingguidelines
> [3] http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/debian-med-healthcafe.pdf 
> [4] https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2013/02/msg00129.html
>> 	From: 	Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu>
>> 	Subject: 	Re: Chances for cooperation between OSDDLinux and Debian
>> 	Date: 	21 November 2013 3:12:04 AM GMT+05:30
>> 	To: 	G P S Raghava <raghava@imtech.res.in>
>>  Hi Raghava,
>> please feel free to quote me fully on Debian Med mailing list - I'd
>> prefer open discussion since other team members are definitely
>> interested.
>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 12:38:21AM +0530, G P S Raghava wrote:
>>> Dear Andreas
>>> Sorry for late response. One of the reason, I have not written to you
>>> earlier is that OSDDlinux is not fully finished.
>> Well, is there any software that is finished at all? ;-)
>> IMHO this is no reason at all.  The point is that we really want to help
>> you reaching your goals - thus getting stronger contact right now would
>> be better than doing this later.
>>> We are are expert in biological science but we have limited knowledge
>>> in the filed of system software.
>> So that would be a perfect match with Debian Med team.  While there are
>> also a couple of biologists we also have people wo are more into system
>> questions.  This mix has been quite successful as I wanted to point out
>> in my initial mail.
>>> Our group http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/ have developed large
>>> number of web-based service (more than 150) related to
>>> bioinformtics/chemoinformatics/vaccineinformatics. Thus for us major
>>> challenge is to make our web-services available to public in form of
>>> standalone software and integration with workflow GALAXY. We achieved it
>>> successfully, we develop standalone software and Galaxy-compaitable
>>> software, thus our first phase is nearly complete. Now , we are learning
>>> to develop debian-packages, soon all software packages our own and third
>>> party will be available in form of debian-package.
>> Since I realised this from your web page I approached you because it is
>> our goal to support this.
>>> We are strong supporter of open source, we have developed open
>>> software related to drug and vaccine informatics. I fully agree with you
>>> that we should work in cooperation mode so we complement each other
>>> work. We are interested, please give suggestions how can we proceed
>>> further . 
>> As I said it would most probably very effective if one (or more) people
>> of your team might join our meeting in January next year:
>>   https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/Meeting/Aberdeen2014
>> I'm also offering so called Mentoring of the Month
>>   https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/MoM
>> for personal training of newbies.  From our point of view the best way
>> to help you would be to integrate your packages of interest straight
>> into official Debian to put them under effective quality assurance
>> control (there are several means inside Debian which saves you a lot
>> of work).  So if at least one better two or three developers of your
>> team might commit to our packaging Vcs and work together with packaging
>> and testing this could be a very fruitful cooperation.
>> Kind regards
>>        Andreas.
>> On 19-Nov-2013, at 9:30 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
>>> Hi Raghava,
>>> this is just a ping since we are waiting for a more detailed answer.  As
>>> I said we would be very happy to use the chance for a face to face
>>> meeting.
>>> Kind regards
>>>      Andreas.
>>> On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 10:20:08PM +0530, G P S Raghava wrote:
>>>> Dear Andreas
>>>> Thanks for your email and offer for cooperation. We are very much interested to work with debian-med and biolinux, as all three debian-med , biolinux and OSDDlinux have common object to provide service to the scientific community. I will write detail email to you soon.
>>>> With best wishes & regards
>>>> Raghava
>>>> #=========================================================#
>>>> # Dr G P S Raghava FASc, FNASc, Scientist & Head Bioinformatics Centre  #
>>>> # CSIR- Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector-39A, Chandigarh, India     #
>>>> # Phone: +91-172-2690557, 0172-6665450 ; Fax: +91-172-2690632           #
>>>> # Eadd: http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/   Email: raghava@imtech.res.in   #
>>>> #=========================================================# 
>>>> Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=XK5GUiYAAAAJ&hl=en
>>>> On 15-Oct-2013, at 2:36 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm contacting you on behalf of the Debian Med team which has the goal
>>>>> to package any Free Software that is relevant for medical care straight
>>>>> into Debian.[1]
>>>>> Your OSDDlinux looks like an exciting implementation of our idea to
>>>>> bring Debian to the end user.  Our goal is to prepare as much as
>>>>> possible straight into Debian to make your work as easy as possible - in
>>>>> an optimal situation you should be able to autogenerate your
>>>>> distribution straight from the Debian package pool so your content is
>>>>> actually Debian and you just need to care for some user oriented
>>>>> customisation, support and contact to your users.  I hope you might like
>>>>> this idea - at least the BioLinux distriution[2] which in principle has
>>>>> the very same goal like you just for a different target user group is
>>>>> happy about the cooperation we established since more than three years.
>>>>> If you look at our so called web sentinel for instance on the biology
>>>>> section[3] you will find a lot of matches to your NGS page[4] (and on
>>>>> other pages - just to mention an example).  Our goal would be to work
>>>>> on the missings between your page and our software pool to enable you
>>>>> to profit directly from the work done inside Debian.
>>>>> The cooperation with BioLinux developers was established in a way that
>>>>> we are working inside the very same version control system(s - we are
>>>>> using Git or SVN at the developers preference).  So changes made in
>>>>> BioLinux will immediately forewardet into the Debian package and if a
>>>>> Debian developer changes something this directly leads to an enhancement
>>>>> inside BioLinux.  We regard this as a win-win-situation to save time and
>>>>> man power on both sides.
>>>>> If you like to learn more about this you are kindly invited to sign into
>>>>> the Debian Med mailing list[5] and ask any relevant question there or
>>>>> even simply raise our awareness to some of your high priority package of
>>>>> yours to ask us for inclusion into Debian.
>>>>> Moreover there is an excellent chance to meet Debian Med and BioLinux
>>>>> developers in person because we will have our yearly Sprint meeting in
>>>>> end of January next year in Aberdeen.[6]  This meetings have some
>>>>> tradition[7] in our small community and leaded to the effect that our
>>>>> community was developing way better than before.  If you look at the
>>>>> Debian team analysis graphs that are collected here[8] you see a general
>>>>> pattern of higher activity since 2011 - which was the time when we had
>>>>> our first meeting.  We would like to invite you to become part of this
>>>>> development so if at least one of your developers would like to join
>>>>> this could really be in the interest of both parties.
>>>>> Kind regards and thanks for your contribution to Free Software
>>>>>     Andreas.
>>>>> [1] http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-med
>>>>> [2] http://nebc.nerc.ac.uk/tools/bio-linux/
>>>>> [3] http://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/tasks/bio
>>>>> [4] http://osddlinux.osdd.net/ngs.php
>>>>> [5] http://lists.debian.org/debian-med
>>>>> [6] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/Meeting/Aberdeen2014
>>>>> [7] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/Meeting
>>>>> [8] http://debian-med.debian.net/
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> http://fam-tille.de
>>>> --
>>>> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-med-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
>>>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org
>>>> Archive: http://lists.debian.org/F3430DDB-655A-4346-9515-10F6AEF706CB@imtech.res.in
>>> -- 
>>> http://fam-tille.de
> -- 
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