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Relion to become an official Debian package

Hi Sjors,

I wanted to let you know, that I'm packaging Relion as an official Debian
package. As such it will be part of the DebianMed blend and hopefully
already be available in the upcoming jessie release. See the Relion-*
entries at the project page http://blends.debian.org/med/tasks/bio
It will also be available in the Qlustar 9.0 release. Qlustar is a
Debian/Ubuntu derivative designed for clustering (HPC/Storage/Cloud).

There are two immediate points/questions that have come up during
the packaging process:

a) Your official download page 
asks for registration. In Debian, there is an automated process that
scans for new package versions on the upstream (your) websites or
repositories. What page or other mechanism do you suggest for this
purpose that will circumvent the need for registration?

b) It would be nice if the Relion project had a publicly available
version control repository for its source code like e.g. on github. That
way it would be very simple for us and others to post patches if
necessary and you could then easily integrate them. Do you have any
plans for this? If you need help on this, I'd be happy to assist you. The
repository, from which the debian packages are built, is publicly available
at http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/relion.git

Best regards,


Roland Fehrenbacher, PhD
Q-Leap Networks GmbH
Tel. : +49(0)7034/277620
EMail: rf@q-leap.com
http://www.q-leap.com / http://qlustar.com

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