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Re: Help needed in C++ / seqan issue

Hi Gert,

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 10:53:27AM +0200, Gert Wollny wrote:
>   gbp:error: upstream/1r2.3+dfsg is not a valid treeish
> I  guess you have to do a "git push --tags". 

Done. Sorry for the nuisance.
> I also have two dead links in the source tree  
>   mugsyWGA -> mugsy-seqan/projects/library/apps/mugsy/gcc/mugsy
>   synchain-mugsy -> chaining/synchain-mugsy
> The latter one is properly set when the build starts, the first one not,
> that is at least not before the build fails. 

The upstream tarball is a bit in flux.  I removed a lot of stuff and
left these dangling links intentionally as a reminder for myself to make
sure that the needed files will be really built.  I admit that's a bit
questionable for other people.
>   dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -b
> starts and I get all the errors. 
> The first series of errors is related to the fact that 
>   mugsy-seqan/projects/library/apps/mugsy/rna_alphabet.h
> contains what seems to be a copy of 
>  /usr/include/seqan/basic/alphabet_residue.h
> with a slightly different naming scheme. Which means one can remove the
> line 36
>   #include "rna_alphabet.h"
> from  mugsy.cpp,  BUT! I do not know if the underlying code really does
> the same. That's why I didn't upload this change. Does the package
> actually provide tests? 

No, it does not. :-(

I was told that these tools are somehow established and remain
unchanged.  Most people seem to simply take the prebuild amd64 binary
(which is also the only supported tarball - source comes from svn).

I guess we need to do our own tests - volunteers would be welcome to
provide a test suite.

I admit I somehow regret that I had the following GSoC idea to late:

  Provide test suites for all Debian Med packages

I think this makes a great GSoC project - we should remember this for
next year.

As a temporary solution to see if we would get at least any binary I
applied your suggested patch.  We might hide the resulting binary (which
might be only a minor part of mugsy) in some experimental staging area
and lead users via docs to this.  Otherwise I see no chance to find this

> The remaining errors are primarily related to differences in the bundled
> seqan and the installed one (I used  1.4.1+dfsg-2). I have no idea how
> to fix these. 

I also build against seqan-dev 1.4.1+dfsg-2 as this is the current
Debian package.
> Then there are also a few errors that seem to be related to the more
> restrictive handling of C++ with newer compilers.

I guess the code copy of the old seqan will show several C++ problems as
well.  So IMHO trying to work with this is similarly fruitless as trying
to port the code to new seqan.

> I happily step in
> again to fix these if someone else was able to correct the seqan version
> related errors.  

Cool.  Thanks a lot for this offer



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