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Re: Intent to Join DebianMed

Hi Afif,

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 09:41:13PM -0700, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been reading this and other Debian mailing lists for several
> months now and I've just gotten enough time to spare to start
> contributing.

Great!  I'd wish I could read such a statement every week. :-)

> I've done much reading of the Debian documentation and
> looked through the Debian Med policy, but I think it's time for me
> to get started. My major interests are in backports (I'm a Debian
> Stable user)

I need to say that I really like this!  I'm aware that we should do more
for stable users but I'm busy enough with other challenges.  So this is
heavily appreciated and I try to support you in doing this as good as

> and packaging some software that I use. I've just
> requested to join the project on Alioth (my username is afif-guest).

Just accepted.

> The first package I'd like to work on is a suite for analyzing
> single-molecule genome sequencing data [1] from Pacific Biosciences.
> I know it's quite ambitious, but it has dependencies among which is
> the Celera assembler, which has been on the DebianMed to-do list for
> some time [2].

Fine.  It is on our tasks page[3] and points to packaging in SVN.  If
you prefer Git it just needs a little ping and I'll move it to git.  I
have done the last work on version 8.1 and I think there was not much
missing any more to finalise the package (but I would need to make up my
mind about this).  Its definitely a lack of testing the package is

So its your choice to either

  a) ask me to move all SVN stuff to Git (I have some experience with
     this) or
  b) try to do it yourself and ask me for hints if needed

Welcome in the team

> 1. http://www.pacb.com/devnet/
> 2. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=395843
[3] http://blends.debian.org/med/tasks/bio#wgs-assembler 


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