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Re: Jon says "thanks" ...

On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 06:50:51PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> you are now faced with my habit to repost private mails to public
> mailing list if there is no privat but rather publicly interesting
> content in it.  Please stick to the list since otherwise publicly
> relevant information will be dumped to private mailboxes which sucks.
> (And sorry for violating the netiquette.)
> On Tue, Feb 09, 2016 at 05:45:55PM +0100, jison@cbs.dtu.dk wrote:
> > ... for a real blast at the Sprint.  I had a great time, and I think we did well.
> +1
> and thanks a lot for the support by DTU!
> > A quick question:  how many biology packages in total does Debian Med hold?
> You can answer this question yourself:  Run
>    https://github.com/bio-tools/biotoolsConnect/blob/master/DebianMed/edam.sh
> and than
>    $ grep -c "debian[ |]\+sid" edam.txt 
>    476
> > And how many did we (me and you Steffen, and
> > others) annotate during the event - i.e. create an upstream edam.yaml (or whatever) for ?
> I need a fresh checkout but I think it is below 30.

To give an update here is a list of currently existing edam files in the
Debian Med repositories (Git+SVN):

$ find . -name "*.edam" | sort

The exact number is 37 - so my estimation based on an older checkout
was wrong.  Thanks to all those who worked on this



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