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Re: RFS: simpleitk/1.0.1-1 [ITP]

على الخميس  2 تشرين الثاني 2017 ‫04:59، كتب Ghislain Vaillant:
> Hi Afif, thanks for taking care of the review (and uploading dcm2niix).

No problem. I'm sorry I couldn't do it sooner.

> On 02/11/17 02:05, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
>> Based on the Python policy, the python3-dev build-dependency should be
>> either python3-all-dev, or specific to a minor version of python3 (like
>> python3.5-dev) [2].
> Since the build system does not let me easily build against all 
> supported Python 3 versions, a dependency on python3-dev makes more 
> sense than python3-all-dev. I have seen this done many times in other 
> CMake-based build of packages.

Makes sense.

>> My reading of the BuildProfileSpec wiki page suggests to me that the
>> `googletest` build dependency should be qualified as `googletest
>> <!nocheck>`. And I'm not sure that there is need to wrap the
>> override_dh_auto_test rule to look for `nocheck` in `DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS`,
>> but I've posted a question about this to -devel [3] since I've seen
>> similar code get added to python-pysam as well [4].
> You are absolutely correct. I have updated the repository accordingly.
> Although guarding the override is not always superfluous, depending on 
> your build system. For pybuild or CMake though, it should not be needed.

I turned out to be wrong about the guard [5], so I restored d/rules to
the way you had it before and uploaded. Even if the build system
currently in use doesn't need it, it's probably best to have it for the
sake of uniformity.


>> 2.
>> https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/build_dependencies.html
>> 3. https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/11/msg00003.html
>> 4.
>> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-med/python-pysam.git/tree/debian/rules?id=5897693255ab6a36fb69cfc5bc096c65973f5f47#n25

5. https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/11/msg00005.html

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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