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Re: TR: Debian has RRID SCR_006638

Hi Fabien,

thanks a lot for asking.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 08:24:21AM +0000, Fabien Pichon wrote:
> I sent the mail below to the mailing list, but did not receive answer, so I do not know if it has been received ?

It seems not - the mailing list archive in March does not show your
mail[1]. :-(  I have no idea why since you do not even need to
subscribe to send mails to the list.  I'm answering in public to
get your text and my answer recorded in the archive.
> ________________________________
> De : Fabien Pichon
> Envoyé : mercredi 28 mars 2018 15:36
> À : debian-med@lists.debian.org
> Objet : RE: Debian has RRID SCR_006638
> Hi Everybody,
> To answer Andreas, we, at OMICtools, could publish every month, the list of new packages available in Debian Med on our blog :
> https://omictools.com/blog, if you feel it can helps.

That would be really an interesting feature.  Thanks a lot for this
> We just need a list of these tools and the corresponding OMICS_[0-9]{5} RRID, if present.

I think about some method to automatically create such a list.  Steffen,
would you volunteer to assemble it manually for the moment?
> By the way, as discussed during the Sprint, in Barcelona, we are working on a button "ask for Debian package" on the new tool page design (see mock-up attached).

I think this would be a really great feature which would be very helpful
for our users.  I've deleted the design screenshot since this is my only
explanation why your mail might have been rejected.  May be you can put
it to some place and add a link here - or just implement it and we'll
check. :-)

Thanks a lot for your cooperation


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2018/03/threads.html

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