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Re: Delly is on salsa Re: bcbio is on salsa

Also added samblaster - same direction, dependency of another tool.

Again, if someone would feel like giving it a review - welcome:


On 7/10/18 10:41 PM, Steffen Möller wrote:
> Delly is on the TODO list for bcbio (next to a few other tools that may
> be of interest to us). The packaging is lintian-clean and inspectable on
> https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/delly. I would not mind a review and
> if that individual can upload - please ;o)
> Delly ships with a cwl description of itself. I found that remarkable.
> Do we have a policy where to store these files? I forgot. Michael?
> Also interesting is the Dockerfile it ships. Somehow we need to do a bit
> more of marketing for all the -dev packages we offer also for biological
> software.
> Cheers,
> Steffen

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