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[MoM] mmseqs2


Well, it looks like the software compiles successfully and builds into a
deb package.

Now, just a slight confusion within the debian/copyright file. Below is
the current file that is incomplete.

> Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
> Upstream-Name: mmseqs2
> Source: https://github.com/soedinglab/MMseqs2
> Files-Excluded: lib/gzstream
> Comment: The system-wide library (libgzstream-dev) supersedes that of the gzstream in lib/
> Files: data/*, examples/*, quinci/*, src/*, util/*, *.yml, *.md, *.txt, Dockerfile
> Copyright: 2016 Söding Lab <https://www.mpibpc.mpg.de/soeding> 
> License: GPLv3
> Files: lib/alp/*
> Copyright: John Spouge
> License: 
> Files: lib/cacode/*
> Copyright: 2008 Michiaki Hamada
> License: 
> Files: lib/kseq/*
> Copyright: Milot Mirdita
> License: The MIT License
> Files: lib/ksw2/*
> Copyright: Attractive Chaos <attractor@live.co.uk>
> License: The MIT License
> Files: lib/omptl/*
> Copyright: 2006-2011 Fokko Beekhof <Fokko.Beekhof@unige.ch>
> License: LGPL
> Files: lib/simd/*
> Copyright: John W. Ratcliff <jratcliffscarab@gmail.com>, Brandon Rowlett <browlett@nvidia.com>,> Ken Fast <kfast@gdeb.com>, Eric van Beurden <evanbeurden@nvidia.com>,
> Alexander Potylitsin <apotylitsin@nvidia.com>
> License: The MIT License
> Files: lib/tinyexpr/*
> Copyright: 2015-2018 Lewis van Winkle
> License: Zlib-Libpng License
> Files: lib/zstd/*
> Copyright: 2016-present Yann Collet, Facebook, Inc.
> License: GPLv2
> Files: debian/*
> Copyright: 2019 Shayan Doust <hello@shayandoust.me>
> License: GPLv3

The issue I have is that, for instance, the library "cacode" falls under
public domain. What would be written on the license file, if anything?
Some of the years and contact information are missing on the copyright
lines, as I don't have an idea as to when the license was instantiated /
library was written and as to what contact email the author has. Would
that be an issue in this state?

Also, looking at the headers of "alp", it seems to be licensed as
"United States Government Work". As this doesn't seem to reflect a
distinctive license, what is the approach for this?

Last thing, the "Files: data/*, examples/*, quinci/*, src/*, util/*,
*.yml, *.md, *.txt, Dockerfile" line. I wasn't sure as to leave it as a
wildcard "*" or use this means as I do not know what the licensing
standpoint of something like this with multiple licenses due to
libraries is.

Best Regards,
Shayan Doust

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