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Re: sumatra uploaded using Debian packaged sumalibs

Hi Andreas,

Le 09/04/2020 à 14:45, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> Hi Pierre,
> as you might have noticed the Debian package for sumalibs was just
> accepted.  I've now built sumatra against this lib.  I'd happily leave
> the maintenance of all suma* packages to you.

Yes, I noticed that sumalibs was accepted; I will happily take over the
maintenance effort for those three packages!

> I think an open todo
> item would be to remove the sumalibs code copy from sumaclust and
> build both, sumaclust and sumatry, against the same lib.
> Let me know what you think.

I remember you evoked it a few days ago, and I have thought about it since
then. I am now looking at the changes you did today on sumalibs and sumatra.

My question is: as I understand /4.13 Embedded code copies/ in the Debian
policy, sumatra and sumaclust should use the libs in sumalibs to build, but
the code of those libs that is duplicated inside sumaclust should remain
there (and not be used), right?

Furthermore, currently sumalibs provides a static library built by
upstream's Makefiles, should we try to move to a shared library or should we
instead not differ from upstream on that?

> Kind regards
>        Andreas.

Best regards,

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