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Re: prinseq(-lite), a dependency of virus seeker

Hi Étienne,

On 2020-04-09 17:16, Étienne Mollier wrote:
> I was trying prinseq-lite with the example files they provided,
> and while prinseq-lite.pl seemed to do its job, there is a side
> script prinseq-graph.pl which calls Statistics::PCA[1], except
> it does not seem to be part of Debian either.  I continue to
> pull that thread to see what comes next...
> [1] https://metacpan.org/release/Statistics-PCA

We may as well package Statistics::PCA later. Utility dh-make-perl
simplifies this a lot:

dh-make-perl --cpan Statistics::PCA

This package would fit Debian Perl Team, ping me should you need any
help with that.

Nevertheless, as prinseq-graph.pl is a side script, Statistics::PCA
could be introduced later.

Best wishes,

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