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Hi Pierre,

Am Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 10:23:10PM +0200 schrieb Pierre Gruet:
> Yeah, GATK is one of my main goals, with Nextflow. If I remember correctly,
> scala was a blocker but there might be a way to deal with it...

Thanks a lot!
> Right now I am preparing the move of my family some hundreds of kilometers
> away, I expect to get more time to look at it closer afterwards.

Sure, Real life should have preference over volunteer work.  Is the
place where you move to a good location to have a developer sprint?
While I like the location in Berlin (with the chance to get even more
comfortable room) we can for sure rotate the sprint location a bit again
to possibly attract other people.
> Still, as I said, GATK and Nextflow are my packaging goals in the team, and
> I am happy to say many dependencies have been added in the last year :)

Yes, and we have some time for the next release cycle.

Kind regards


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