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dpkg-reconfigure calls init.d scripts with start

Hi all,

i've a problem with the interchange (formaly known as minivend)
Package, that i help Stefan Horburg getting packaged.

dh_installinit adds this rows to interchange.postinst:

# Automatically added by dh_installinit
update-rc.d interchange defaults >/dev/null
/etc/init.d/interchange start
# End automatically added section

As far as i've seen dpkg-reconfigure calls the .config script and
then the .postinst script.

So there is the problem when i try running dpkg-reconfigure
everything will work until the postinst is executed and the init
script will be called with the "start" parameter. It will fail to
run, when the sever was already running. The changes made in the
reconfigure will no be applied.

Has anyone experienced this problem or is there a simple solution i
just miss.

| Dennis Schoen                   | "Contrary to popular belief,
| dschoen@rio.gt.owl.de           |  UNIX is a user-friendly Operating
| http://www.gt.owl.de/~dschoen/  |  System. It's just choosy about
| +49-5207-923701                 |  who its friends are."

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