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file name conflict

Hi folks, I'm just got a bug report for my cogito package and I'd like
your input on the best way to fix it.

Cogito is a front-end matched with a back-end called GIT.  The upstream
package includes both Cogito and GIT.  The GIT back-end wants to install a
manpage called git(1), and the bug is that this conflicts with the manpage
of the same name installed by the "git" package (GNU Interactive Tools).
The git package has a binary called git, and the cogito package does
not, so git should definately get to keep the manpage.  No other files
installed by the git and cogito packages conflict.

(It's unfortunate that the Cogito/GIT backend got that name, but that's

To deal with this, my first thought is to rename Cogito's git(1) to
something non-conflicting and hopefully easily guessable.  Something like
git-core (this matches upstream nomenclature pretty well) or git-cogito
maybe?  I'll mail the GIT (as in Cogito) list and see if they have any
input on this.

The GIT-as-in-Cogito TLA doesn't really expand to anything, unfortunately.
The upstream author (Linus Torvalds) says it can mean "global information
tracker" (when it work); and "goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t" (when it
breaks).  But I dont think either of those suggest good manpage names.  ;)

So.  Does git-core(1) seem reasonable?

Sebastian Kuzminsky
"Marie will know I'm headed south, so's to meet me by and by"
-Townes Van Zandt

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