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Re: A note on lintian clean packages and mentors.d.n

Raphael <atomo64@gmail.com> writes:

> Just wondering, if I would like to have some more checks like:
> * making sure a php extension depends on a php-api
> * a php extension provides an .ini file
> etc...

Yes, absolutely.  Ideally if someone could prepare a patch, that would be
great, but I'm happy to accumulate wishlist bugs until someone has a
chance to get to them.  And I try to get to one or two myself with each

> Should I fill the requests against linda or lintian? I mean, there's
> no real (or at least well known) difference between what tasks linda
> and lintian differ on.

A lot of people file the bug against one package and then clone it and
reassign the clone to the other.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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