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Re: ITR: xmlrpc-epi - copyright issues

On Sat, 2008-04-05 at 10:47 +0100, Robin Cornelius wrote:
> 1) It probably would be a very good idea to remove the expat source code
> from upstream completely and ensure the code builds with the latest
> expat from expat's upstream instead of carrying a specific copy.


> > Files: src/expat_compat.h src/compat.c
> > Copyright: (C) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
> > Licence: PHP-3.01
> > (src/compat.c is part of the packaged library as it is listed in
> > src/Makefile.am under libxmlrpc_epi_la_SOURCES. src/expat_compat.h is
> > not packaged in the -dev)
> Proposal - drop these files upstream and only use expat as the xmlparser
> for now.

That would make things a lot easier.

> > Files: expat/*
> > Copyright: (C) 1998, 1999 James Clark
> > Licence: Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or GNU General Public
> > License
> > (files not packaged, code not compiled)
> Proposal - drop these files upstream, and if necessary package them in a
> separate tarball/zip for distros that don't necessary have expat available.


> > Files: scripts/cvs2cl.pl
> > Copyright: (C) 1999 Karl Fogel <kfogel@red-bean.com>
> > Licence: GPL-2+
> > (build tool? Robin? seems to be an upstream thing - again worth asking
> > upstream not to package it in the released tarball).
> This should be (will be now) dropped from the source tarball and only be
> in upstream
> CVS as its a CVS changelog tool.


> Ok i think we can overcome the major problems fairly easily here to get
> the package into an acceptable state. Long term the package needs to be
> able to nativly use the libxml2 parser *without* that php compatibility
> library.


> Short term i would like to remove all the php licensed code and the
> ability to use libxml2. I will do this upstream then repackage for
> debian. This will leave us with an xmlrpc-epi that can only be used by
> GPL compatible code, which is probably the better state to be in rather
> that a library that cannot be used by GPL code.
> Longer term use libxml2 and remove libexpat so that php5 can use the
> library if they so wish.
> How does this sound?

(and add that -dbg package, fix the changelog --closes entry and
implement the autotools recommendation for debian/rules from the other

That sounds perfect. Let me know when the new upstream needs a sponsor.


Neil Williams

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