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Installing PEAR packages in an idempotent fashion


My package needs a Pear package, specifically Pear Log, it has php-pear in its dependencies.

The big problem is installing the package itself in, I presume, the postinst script. My early tests were simply:

pear -q install log

but I found that when the package was installed this process would quit with an error second time around, stopping the script from being idempotent. At some stage this problem seemed to evaporate (maybe with lenny).

However, somebody installed the package (currently obtained directly from my repo) today on an etch system and the postinst barfed on this point - strangely one other person has done this with no problems.

On Lenny, the behaviour is


imladris:/home/colin# pear -q install log
Nothing to install
imladris:/home/colin# echo $?


On Etch


fs1:/usr/share/opus# pear install log
Did not download optional dependencies: pear/MDB2, use --alldeps to download automatically
Skipping package "pear/Log", already installed as version 1.9.11
No valid packages found
install failed
fs1:/usr/share/opus# echo $?
fs1:/usr/share/opus# pear -q install log
No valid packages found
install failed
fs1:/usr/share/opus# echo $?


Has anybody any words of wisdom to offer on how to handle pear module installations in an idempotent fashion?



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