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Re: I'm the new developer on parcellite, but the debian maintainer for it hasn't responded

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On 2011-03-10 21:14, Doug Springer wrote:
> Niels,
> I took over from the original developer, and parcellite is no longer
> inactive.


That sounds good.

> There is a fork, it's called clipit, but there were lots of changes
> occurring, and I thought that parcellite (after a few bugs were
> addressed) was just fine as it was. I don't mind simple features, but
> once it looks like klipper, what's the point?

Yes, clipit was the fork I was thinking of.  As pabs mentioned in a
separate email, clipit is currently its own package but there was talk
about replacing parcellite with it.

> My intent it to primarily bug fix/build fix, add bare essentials from
> time to time, and keep parcellite just as it is - but I've sent Andrew
> several emails and no response yet. I figured if he doesn't want to
> maintain it, I'll take over that part as well.
> How do I go about doing that?

As far as I can tell, the maintainer of parcellite is definitely active,
since he uploaded a version of parcellite 5 days ago[1].  I have CC'ed
Andrew, whom I hope will reply within a couple of days.
  If you want an active part in maintaining parcellite, your best option
right is to offer to become a co-maintainership.

[1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/parcellite/news/20110306T041708Z.html

> Best Regards,
> Doug Springer
> On 03/10/2011 12:53 PM, Niels Thykier wrote:
> On 2011-03-10 15:40, doug Springer wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I started developing parcellite because I didn't want it to disappear
>>>> from the repositories.
>>>> I've been developing parcellite for several months now and have a new
>>>> release that's been tested and packaged to i386 and amd64. I'd like to
>>>> see this make it into main stream.
>>>> Where do I go from here? I'll can take over the maintenance if I need
>>>> to.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Doug Springer
> Hey,
> I remember parcellite from a while back; as I recall I managed to reach
> the maintainer via his other email: andrewsomething@ubuntu.com
>    That being said; the last I heard was that parcellite was being
> replaced by a fork, since parcellite was inactive.  Unfortunately the
> name of the fork eludes me at the time.
> ~Niels

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