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Re: [Fwd] Bug#621966: hasciicam: FTBFS: hasciicam.c

On Tuesday 26 April 2011 10:35:51 Jaromil wrote:
dear Mentors,

Dear Jaromil,

first and foremost: thanks for your answers!

On Mon, 25 Apr 2011, The Fungi wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 02:28:10AM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> > I see that one uploader of hasciicam is Debian Developer. He is
> > the first person to contact for upload or to recommend you as
> > Debian Maintainer--that is, to give you upload privilege.
> Specifically, according to who-uploads, 1.0-1 was uploaded to
> unstable by Giunchedi Filippo <filippo@debian.org>, so he'd be the
> right place to start asking for a new upload.

sure! and so I did, also knowing Filippo personally. In fact, despite
the limited amount of time at his hands, he is doing his best to
review my other upstream software package, which is arguably more
urgent than hasciicam: freej, for which i've also fixed open bugs but
had no way to upload them.

Chances are, people with rights to upload are usually busy dealing with
more core or important issues (both packaging and upstream-related),
you are of course encouraged to help, see links below.

ultimately what is very frustrating is just the fact of not being able to upload anything and to keep receiving bug notices that i have fixed
in upstream months if not years ago, while volunteering to fix them
and being an upstream developer for the software, willing to become DM
for his packages.

It is *possible* to help both yourself and Debian, see links below.

i hope i didn't annoy you too much with my mails and if it was so i
apologize for my Mediterranean temper (but well, as your next
gathering is in Bosnia/Erzegovina then you'd better start get used).

Whines towards reviewing and uploading every single pet package out there might drain scarce resources in insignificant direction. If there are free DD resources, and they are able and comfortable to upload, usually, they
do upload. You better think of that drama too, but think hard :-)
Fixes and package care are very welcome, but I guess you realize there are
priorities and procedures established by a broad agreement among the
project, and if you want something to improve, try doing it yourself first
as in do-ocracy, see links below of  how to help. Of course, amusements
and mere pestering doesn't help much communicating your point.

one could call it just a rand, but i'm trying to give a point of view
of an upstream developer willing to enter Debian and some hints why

Why it is so hard to just follow:
and apply accordingly, help yourself and Debian.

Debian is "not very popular" among software developers.. acknowledging
such situations is the first step to make things better, no?

Sure, it is a well known fact that the Sun never shines...
(don't look out of the window)

pub 4096R/0E4BD0AB <people.fccf.net/danchev/key pgp.mit.edu>

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