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Re: Making packages available to Debian users (was: Bug#659047: RFS: rpg - Readable Password Generator)

On Sat, Apr 07, 2012 at 11:20:55PM -0300, Fernando Lemos wrote:

> to get rid of it. It's thus reasonable that we want to make sure
> packages are in good shape for entry in Debian. It's also natural that

It is very easy to execute this task: please, read this shell script. It
is short and simple enough for this. It take time much less then all
our discussion here. 

> be uploaded. I understand your frustration, but there's no way around
> the review process.

The problem is that I don't see this "review process" here. Instead, all of
You are explaining what Debian is and what is not. But I've got no much
new. You are trying to breach into opened door. But point is that all this
discussion have no relation to script in question.

###  Vladimir Stavrinov
###  vstavrinov@gmail.com

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