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Re: Bug#659047: RFS: rpg - Readable Password Generator

[ Dropping extra people from Cc since this I don't think my reply is
  related rpg anymore. ]

Vladimir Stavrinov <vstavrinov@gmail.com> writes:
> root@mana:~# stap -e 'probe syscall.execve { printf("%s\n", argstr); }' -c 'rpg'
> semantic error: missing x86_64 kernel/module debuginfo under '/lib/modules/3.2.0-2-amd64/build' while resolving probe point kernel.function("do_execve").call

Yep, you need to install the -dbg package. It'd be nice if we could just
have a dependency on it but unfortunately this is not possible (can you
think of why?).

We've tried to explain these steps in README.Debian but I agree that
they could be more clear. Can you try to follow it and see if anything
is still unclear?

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