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Re: To fix error: binary file contents changed

On Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:14:13 +0600, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:

>> The source is at https://github.com/suntong001/histring/
>> it is *very* small.
> This package can't be built. You need to make sure you provide working
> examples when you ask for help, otherwise people will stop helping you
> quickly.
> Though if you are asking for problems involving an upstream tarball and
> building a source package, you need to provide that tarball, not just
> unpacked directory.

OK, ok, you need the tarball? please ask for the tarball. Don't be so 
harsh on people not as clear/smart as you. I wasn't able to upload the 
source package because of the build error, and I don't have a place to 
upload the tarball for the moment. 

Anyway, I've just solved it heavy-handedly. Ref,

Thanks again for your help. 

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