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Re: Source tarball update/fix

Sergio Durigan Junior <sergiodj@sergiodj.net> writes:

> On Monday, December 28 2015, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> > also the - is a good separator.
> Heh, sometimes the solution is so obvious...  For some reason (so
> obscure that I cannot remember), I thought that '-' could not be used in
> this specific case.

It is a valid character in the upstream version string, and when
upstream does in fact use that character it should of course be
preserved in the Debian package version string.

When *adding* a suffix that's not part of the upstream version string,
though, I maintain that “-” is not a good separator to use.

Conventionally, “+” is a soft indication that the suffix is not part of
the upstream version string; and that's why I still advocate using
“+ds1” for your suffix. (And correcting any bugs in the upstream build
system which trip on that.)

 \       “Even if the voices in my head are not real, they have pretty |
  `\                                           good ideas.” —anonymous |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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