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Re: Packaging repository using both upstream-as-git and tarballs / branch name conflicts

Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
If a remote has a branch this doesn't mean your repo has the same branch.

Is this intended as agreement with my "rename upstream/master with git branch -u" proposal? Or is it a suggestion to delete Salsa/master and force-push upstream/master over it (i.e. rewrite history to "this mistake never happened", with the implied breakage of other existing clones [0])?

Then don't do that. A repo either uses upstream tags directly or uses
upstream/* tags that cannot clash with the upstream ones.

Should gbp import-orig refuse to do anything (with an error stating that tarballs should not be imported into a git-only repository) if upstream-tag doesn't start with upstream/ ?

I tried to ask codesearch how many packages currently set a non-upstream/* upstream-tag in gbp.conf, but it didn't find even the one I know about.

[0] https://git-scm.com/docs/git-rebase#_recovering_from_upstream_rebase

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