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Re: Regarding how to join open source

On Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 12:28:15AM +0530, Anish Kumbhar wrote:
> Hi Sir/Madam,
> I am Anish Devendra Kumbhar, 1 st Year B.Tech student in CSE.
> I know C,html,C++, and am learning web development and python.
> I am really curious to know about open source and its contribution process.
> This will be my first experience with an open source project and its
> community, so please guide me about how to proceed further.

Even the long journeys start with a first step.

Make that first step, make further steps.
Surely avoid waiting for "go" and "go on" commands.

Yes, I have seen the "please guide me" request.
Please accept from me that "the urge to solve a problem"
is a much better guide.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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