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Re: Free component in a non-free tarball

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 12:00:39PM -0500, Ryan Pavlik wrote:
> The easiest way to do the tarball cleaning is with Files-Excluded in the
> copyright file, uscan will involve something (mkorigtargz?) that uses it to
> repack. That's a technical answer to the technical side of the question.

Even better, probably:

    Files-Excluded: *
    Files-Included: AmberTools

> On the "policy"/legal question of whether it's permissible to package the
> internal open source in this larger source for the Debian project, I have
> no specific opinion but it sounds complicated. You might gauge upstream's
> feelings by asking if they can provide a tarball with just the open source
> parts. If not, even if your interpretation of the license situation is that
> you can package the inner code, it may not be worth it if it's fought by
> upstream.

It wouldn't be the first time that we package something that the
original developers never intended to, only to find ourself in some sort
of passive-agressive situation, with some sort of hostile upstream.  At
which point, I would wholeheartedly recommend you don't even start...

Instead, if they are happy with you packaging this, they might just be
happy enough to extract AmberTools and distribute it in some nicer way
not requiring identification on a website…

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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