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Bug#1021364: RFS: ghostwriter/2.2.0-1 [RC] -- Distraction-free, themeable Markdown editor

Am 08.10.22 um 19:01 schrieb Sebastien CHAVAUX:

"I do not know what that means. I do not care about the lintian override

but the non-source files."

I didn't add anything, everything there is from the project sources.

Yes, everything is from the upstream tarball.
The files that lintian complains about are "uglified" JavaScript files which we do not accept as source in Debian.

For the 3rdparty/MathJax/bin/* files, there seem to be source files in 3rdparty/MathJax/src/*. Have you tried to build that 3rdparty/MathJax/bin/* directory yourself and have you checked out if you can replace the whole whing with libjs-mathjax?

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