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Aw: Re: How to name a similiar package?

> Are the new tools replacements or additional?


> then ssh-tools-extra would make sense

That's actually a good suggestion. Thank you

> I don't see why adding a 3rd language
> to the 2 already used makes things 'hard to package'

The scripts are written with minimal dependency
and tested with different OSes.
So they are easy to package.

Adding the Go ones I have some difficulties myself already:

- 3rd party dependencies (which are packaged already luckily)
- I am not yet familiar with packaging Go programs (just managed to create one yesterday)
- I am not sure if that mixed package should then go to the [1] Go Packaging Team,
  and when, if they are OK with that mix of languages:

So, yeah maybe after I have worked out these things,
it is not that difficult anymore
and actually I would also prefer to keep all in one upstream repo.

I also don't want to make it any harder to package for [2]others

[1] https://go-team.pages.debian.net
[2] https://repology.org/project/ssh-tools/versions

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