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Re: how to configure xfree86

On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 04:34:07PM +0200, Maik Busch wrote:
> hello,
> Erich Schubert posted that xfree86 runs fine, but I have problems to
> install.
> I have installed x-server and x-comman packages and all the suggested
> packages. I have also copied XF86Config.indy from the source to /etc/X11
> (and renamed it). 
> After typing startx the Indy does't hang but I couldn't see anything
> because all screens are black. Also reset could not reconfigure the tty.
> Is there a paper what things have to be done, that X works?

 I have fighting with them this afternoon so here goes some hints:

 o The version I have installed is 4.0.3-4

 o The prebuild kernel from rfc822.org has no PS/2 support, which prevents X
   from working. You should build your own kernel with PS/2 support and make
   /dev/psaux device which isn't there either:
   	mknod /dev/psaux c 10 1

 o Your display gets fucked on all virtual terminals, I couldn't prevent that.
   Once you get X working you won't care that much :)

   While getting X to work I worked from another computer through the network
   so I could see what was going on and try to fix it.

 o Running xdm hangs my Indy with some unspected interupt and a register dump.
   I use gdm insted.

   	o gdm insisted in trying to boot the Gnome environment, with is no
	  available: point /etc/gdm/Sessioins/Default symlink to Debian and
	  delete .gnome/gdm from the users home.

  o To make sure you are not forgetting any important package install

  Hope this helps


--- Manuel Estrada Sainz <ranty@debian.org>
------------------------ <ranty@soon.com> ---------------------------------
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to
change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

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