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Re: [HOWTO] SGI tftp boot with ARCLoad

Florian Lohoff <flo@rfc822.org> wrote:

>> I guess I've just been screwed over by an SGI PROM once more. Hrmpf :(
> I have been there already ;) Guess what - The SNI RM Prom is even more
> broken - it lacks a seek call so reading from a filesystem is not possible.

I read a couple things about the SNI RM PROM, but I must say I like
that one :)

> I disassembled the full PROM and found the seek code to be there but
> only lacks the entry point. So i wrote code to search the seek functions
> prolog in the binary prom between the open and read entry points.

If only the PROM exposed its networking layer, I could embed a TFTP
client -- one that actually DOES work -- but as far as I know that's
not the case :| (and ARCLoad is quite large already, not sure a TFTP
client would fit in there without triggering something somewhere)

My top 3 at the moment:
 1. IP22: that TFTP issue
 2. IP27: ARCLoad hanging on a coldboot with autoboot enabled; works
    fine by going into Maintenance Mode -> Start system, works fine
    upon reboot and upon a coldboot during a short timeframe
 3. IP27 (and/or IP22, can't remember): arcload list sometimes booting
    right away, instead of listing its config options

 1. No idea as to what I can do to overcome that.
 2. Heisenbug; reproducible something like twice a day.
 3. Could have been an ARCLoad bug; patched ARCLoad like mad to try
    and track it down, to no avail. If the bug is in ARCLoad, I've
    missed it so far. Could be that ARCLoad doesn't get the "list"
    parameter in argv for some reason, though I have no evidence of

This is all very frustrating, but there's something fun in all that,
for some reason :)


 Julien BLACHE <jblache@debian.org>  |  Debian, because code matters more 
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